Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alhambra Guitar USA International Competition Schedule


It's a great pleasure to invite you to an exceptional event.
Alhambra Guitar International Competition.

Witness the birth of three new stars in the guitar world! Six performers from all over the world will perform in front of you and a panel of judges on

Saturday, April 24th and Sunday, April 25th, 2010.
See Schedule below.
Each event is only $5 and will benefit the non-profit organization for hospitalized children Musical Angels.
Tickets available at the door. FREE Refreshments offered at all events!
South Side on Lamar and Musica For The World are located at:

1409 South Lamar Street,
Dallas, Texas 75215.

A most special and exclusive performance will take place on Saturday night at Studio 101 (Musica For The World).

Saturday Afternoon, April 24, 2010
3-5 p.m.: First Round of Semi-Final ($5)
5-5:30: BREAK
5-7: Guitar Master Class given by Mr. Carlo Pezzimenti ($5)
7-7:30: BREAK
7:30-9: Second Round of [Semi-Final ($5)
9-9:30: BREAK
9:30-10:30: Special Performance by Mr. Pezzimenti and Mr. Rowe. FREE but
Donations to Musical Angels Accepted.

Sunday Afternoon, April 25, 2010
2-5 p.m.: Three Finalists perform and the three top prizes are awarded ($5)
5-6: Reception to meet and greet the artists and jury members

The six contestants are:
Eduardo Costa (Brazil), Leonardo Garcia (USA), Yang LuYang (China), Danilo Moraes (Brazil), Minh Nguyen (Vietnam), Renato Serrano (Chile).

The four members of the jury are:
Mr. Philippe Bertaud, Artistic Director of the 2010 USA Alhambra International Guitar Competition
Mr. Paul Cortese, Assistant Director of TCU School of Music
Mr. Geoff Ferdon, Vice-President of Alhambra Guitars USA
Mr. Carlo Pezzimenti, Music Faculty at Brookhaven College and Texas Woman's University

First Prize
Alhambra Concert Guitar and 50 sets of D'Addario strings
D'Addario/Planet Waves Guitar Accessories
Featured concert and master class presenter at the 2011 Guitar Competition
A concert at the International Round Guitar Festival 2010
A concert at Five Towns College Guitar Festival
A concert at Greater Houston Guitar Guild

Second Prize
10 sets of D'Addario strings and Planet Waves Guitar Accessories

Sheet Music Guitar Collection offered by Carl Fisher Publishing

Third Prize
10 sets of D'Addario strings and Planet Waves Guitar Accessories
A one-year subscription to Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Friday, April 2, 2010

Taking Care of Your Alhambra Classical Guitar

Guitars normally require little maintenance. However, care in handling and storage will protect your investment for many years to come.

• Never expose your guitar to high heat and humidity. For example, don't leave your guitar in a hot car or in direct sunlight. Typical heat damage consists of warped soundboards and unglued (detached) bridges.

• Never lean your guitar on furniture or the wall. The guitar is unstable (the lower bout is round) and can easily fall and be damaged. Always store your guitar in a case or on a guitar stand.

• Wash your hands before playing. Dirt and oil will clog and corrode the strings and diminish considerably the sound and life of your strings.

• Handle the guitar only by the neck. Squeezing the top and body may damage delicate soundboard bracing.

• Wipe your guitar off with a soft cotton or mircofiber cloth after playing. Clean and polish your guitar occasionally with a light polish such as Planet Waves. Avoid heavy paste waxes as they build up into a thick, vibration muffling coating.

• Check preamp batteries monthly. A leaking battery can quickly destroy battery contacts and circuit boards. Never leave a battery in a guitar when being stored for extended periods.

Finally, change your strings periodically. While old dead strings won't harm your guitar, worn strings reduce your enjoyment factor, are out of tune and make the most expensive tone ladden instrument sound like it was made from cactus wood and cardboard.
Alhambra Classical Guitars online